Sponsor a Crew Member, an Electronic Arts or Electronic Scientific Payload
We work with our sponsors to create opportunities that include you as part of the mission exploration experience, with sponsorship leverage and activation processes that connect sponsors directly through our mission experience to our audience. JOIN THE CREW of the Synergy Moon automated Lunar Expedition as we compete in the Google Lunar X Prize competition. You can be OR SPONSOR crew members for navigation, remote sensing, communications, engineering and operations.
Be part of the science team for planetary science, astronomy, mining engineering, astrophysics, chemical engineering, anyone who has research they want to do on the moon or in near earth space. You will participate in mission preparation, launch, deep space cruise, lunar landing and lunar exploration, research and development activities. You will have input into rover and base instrumentation and mission plans. We are providing this opportunity for just 12 individuals, who will represent themselves or their organizations. Act now if you want to be part of the crew or send an electronic payload on this lunar expedition. JOIN THE CREW!