Partnering Organizations
Educational Outreach
Arts and Cultural
Technology & Research
X PRIZE Organizations ·
FreeFly AstronautsFreeFly is human Flight. Freefly, the art of Human Flight, started to develop in 1989 with the "Father of FreeFly", the German Olav Zipser and found its recognition in the official world of Sports in 1996. (1st official competition: ESPN X-Games Pro Tour). The first official FAI nationals were hosted in the year 2000. In the year 2005 FreeFly was 1st times introduced to the Olympic World Games Comittee. With 'Freefly' you will learn to fly your own body freely in every possible direction, orientation and rotation while remaining in control of your flight and trajectory (Olav 1989). Now Olav Zipser is researching requirements and technologies that will soon make him the first Free Flyer to freefly from Space,
FreeFly the Black Sky!
Educational Outreach Organizations
iUniverseiUniverse is a science communication and education organisation whose mission is to make science and technology accessible to all.
iUniverse will act as a global leader in communication, outreach, engagement and research through promoting excellence in science and innovation to find solutions to today's social challenges and to empower citizens with the knowledge and skills to benefit their everyday lives.
To engage the public with science through dialogue and direct participation in decision making to facilitate science active citizenship
To bridge the gap between science, education, industry and the public
To develop solutions to today's challenges through acting as platform for innovation within science communication
SpaceCampingInSpaceCampingIn provides a unique opportunity for space exploration through a series lectures, seminars and hands on training in the area of space exploration, science, technology and management workshops for all. Founder Bipin Agravat is partnering with Team Synergy Moon by conducting workshops for our teammates and partners at the University of Antofagasta, where he will also be the technical manager for the development of the Synergy Moon Tesla Prospector Rover prototype.
EarthSpaceEarthSpace is a space exploration, application, technology, policy, and education research consulting organization offering a broad range of services to aid strategy decisions by businesses, nonprofit organizations, and governments.
The EarthSpace educational system is based on Scientific but People-Oriented Education (SPOE), which is a multidisciplinary global framework that has been tailored to address the needs of specific cultures while forming an interface between science and non-science disciplines. This unique concept combines science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, with environmental awareness, arts, and humanities. It takes into account the wholeness of people and our increasingly global environment.
We aim to inspire, educate, and train future Earth and space scientists/engineers, non-scientists and environment-aware leaders based on Scientific but People-Oriented Education.
We work to inspire students to pursue scientific careers (science, technology, engineering & mathematics, as well as environmental conservation), and to help them and the general public to recognize the relationship between scientific and non-scientific fields through an Earth and space exploration paradigm.
Polaris Astronomical SocietyThe Polaris Astronomical Society from Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzegovina was founded in April, 2009, with the intention to study, train and inform the citizens in areas: Astronomy, Astroarcheology, Astronautics and the Mysteries of UFO's :-) The Society currently has 150 members, most working on educational outreach to students in Space and Astro
sciences. The Society has published 4 issues of the magazine "PLEIADES" over the past two years, held seven "Days of Astronomy" in Tuzla, the first such event in this area, which is now annual event. Emir Tanovic and Ervin Adrovic, team leaders and co-chairmen of the society are taking efforts in opening a first modern observatory in the region,and also teaching Astronomy to kids in 50 schools in this region. In the near future The society will start Astronautics workshop. They will also publish a book on Astronomy for school children later this year.
Polaris Astronomical Society
Astronomical Society OrionIn 2008, the former director of the original Sarajevo Observatory, Mr. Muhamed Muminovic, reestablished the astronomical society in hopes of continuing where the original society left off. The new Astronomical Society Orion is a non-profit organization made up of local students, astronomy enthusiasts, members of the original society dispersed throughout the world, and Bosnian astronomers working abroad.
Despite their very limited means and minimal financial support from occasional small donations and membership fees, the society remains dedicated to popularizing and reviving astronomy in Bosnia. They have organized several highly attended events, including public lectures by experts in the region, educational talks and workshops for kids, and telescope viewings of astronomical phenomena. One of their most notable projects was the One Sky for All project, funded by the Norwegian embassy, in which they purchased 1000 small telescopes for elementary schools throughout Bosnia. The society has also established the Bosnian & Herzegovinian Meteor Network, a series of automated cameras placed throughout the country for the purpose of tracking meteors. This project has the potential to introduce Bosnian students to hands-on scientific research, in hopes of attracting them to the natural sciences.
Astronomical Society Orion/ AD ORION Sarajevo
Titova 12
71000 Sarajevo
Arts and Cultural Organizations
DripDrop Collective
DripDrop Collective exists as an intuitive collaboration, focused mainly on large scale, multi-media projects that usually combine multiple facets of animation, sculpture and moving 360 degree sound compositions. Our projects go through extensive planning and development periods, enabling us to thoroughly research new technologies, mediums and techniques.
Nikola Tesla Inventors' ClubThe mission of the Nikola Tesla Inventors' Club is to bring awareness of Nikola Tesla's innovations to the greater public. At this critical juncture of transition in human history, we recognize a moral imperative to initiate the development of new energy technologies that Tesla envisioned for the world. Through this event, we will bring together and inspire like-minded innovators and enthusiasts to advance Tesla's legacy as the father of free energy and communications, and help bring his vision for these technologies to fruition for the betterment of humanity.
Bulaja naklada
Bulaja naklada is one of the leading Croatian companies in the field of electronic publishing in education and culture. We exist since 1998 and we are based in Zagreb, Croatia. Our core business is production and publishing of interactive multimedia content and film. Two founders of the company are Helena and Zvonimir Bulaja. Family business, more or less. However, we have hundreds of collaborators - renowned artists, animators, illustrators, musicians, designers, programmers and other experts from all around the world.
Technology Research & Development Groups
Space Renaissance Initiative Space Renaissance is a new, global philosophy, having its basic ground on Earth, and its natural development in the extraterrestrial space. Our founding concepts are New Humanism and Astro Humanism. We look at the past Renaissance (1500) as an inspiration for a new Renaissance for Space Research, Exploration and Development that includes education and philosophical grounding for a new generation, the Space Generation!
The Laboratory of Advanced Jet Propulsions The Laboratory of Advanced Jet Propulsions (The LAJP) is an R&D rocket-space propulsion systems institution that develops high performance, innovative rocket motor systems which are allowing to explore the new space vehicles with maximum benefits. Our products range from chemical rocket technologies that power launch vehicles to spacecraft thrusters and aerospace aerodynamic plasma generator for commercial aircraft. The LAJP products innovate, enable and perform. The LAJP represents the great group of dedicated and talented specialists who are aspiring to new horizons and knowledge.
Saber Astronautics We are a small research and development company dedicated to building cutting edge technology for both space and Earth-based applications. Our mission is to reduce the barriers to space, making it more accessible to people on Earth. In the future, Saber Astronautics envisions a permanent space presence where skilled technicians working with advanced robotics are able to track, intercept, and repair crippled satellites. We support this direction with our technical development, research, and commercial projects, each contributing to identified space industry needs. Welcome to our journey.
Aerogels Australia Aerogel Super Insulation provides a solution based product to a broad spectrum of Industries. Currently Servicing Commercial Building applications, Apparel, Defence, Automotive & Industrial. Aerogels Australia is the Australasian supplier of Spaceloft, Cryogel & Pyrogel insulation, the leading insulation product on the market. Our primary role is to establish downstream links for the mass application of aerogel insulation, through the provision of information and services to third party Industries. As part of this process we see conducting research as a critical component to this role, and welcome the opportunity to support Private Industries in ‘Achieving low life cycle energy buildings & technologies in Australasia’. Aerogels In Space
T & L Publications
T & L Publications is an American consumer-magazine publisher serving Hobbyist Electronics, Robotics, and Science & Technology enthusiasts. Their focus and readership is a perfect match for Synergy Moon’s Do-It-Yourself methodologies focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) through the lens of civilian space exploration. T & L Publications produces and operates Nuts & Volts and SERVO magazines.
Nuts and Volts Magazine
Servo Magazine
Zero Gravity
Tony Bradley, through his company Zero Gravity produces unique videos that explore the many aspects of the human condition.
Through these productions, Zero Gravity's goal is to raise awareness of global social issues and inspire involvement within communities and across cultures. A hands on approach gives Zero Gravity the ability to give the client/community a specific set of services that rely on their direct involvement to strengthen development and maintain cultural integrity.
Smart Express
SMART EXPRESS L.L.C., based in Zagreb, Croatia, EU, provides marketing services, fundraising services, consulting services, and is a B2B or better H2H (Human to Human) service provider.
360 Degrees
360 Degrees is a integrated marketing agency providing top-tier creative including world class branding services. We service a wide range of industries and organizations often providing the incubational business development services and launching initial brands for clients.
Invento Media Group
Invento Media Group provides solutions for Bluetooth® Advertising. Invento Media Group offers production, preparation, broadcasting and the delivery of promotional, informational and other multimedia content directly to your customers mobile phones.
Sarajevo-x is the most visited and influential info portal in Bosnia & Herzegovina with 760,000 individual vistors and 19 million click throughs monthly.
Youth Based Humanitarian Organizations
MylifE Foundation
Human Synergy Project will be donating a significant contribution to the MylifE Foundation from our portion of awareded prize money in the Google Lunar X PRIZE competition.
The Cape Town based non-profit organisation MylifE was founded by former film producer Linzi Thomas in 2002 and set up as a section 21 company. In 2006 it was decided to establish the MylifE Foundation. The organization is governed by the Trust which was set up by BOE and is under the management of Dieter Schwindinger from Old Mutual. MylifE is in the business of social change through the empowerment of our youth and children. Our mandate is to facilitate positive change in society by giving marginalized youth and children hope, developing their skills and empowering them to be the caregivers of the future.
Peace Flame House
The goal of the Peace Flame '94 Foundation is to contribute to the raising of awareness and to inspire and heal people in post-war areas, individually and collectively. This is being accomplished by helping us remember our qualities: the fact that we care, our ability to inspire, our acceptance of our responsibilities, being able to create and unconditional love. Mr. Fred was given the talent to inspire people to work together on the implementation of his vision. His work consists of a different approach to the processes of society.
Google Lunar X PRIZE Related Organizations
Google Lunar X PRIZE
The Google Lunar X PRIZE is a $30 million international competition to safely land a robot on the surface of the Moon, travel 500 meters over the lunar surface, and send images and data back to the Earth. Teams must be at least 90% privately funded and must be registered to compete by December 31, 2010. The first team to land on the Moon and complete the mission objectives will be awarded $20 million. The second team to do so will be awarded $5 million. Another $5 million will awarded in bonus prizes. The final deadline for winning the prize is December 31, 2017.
X PRIZE Foundation
The mission of the X PRIZE Foundation is to bring about radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. We do this by creating and managing prizes that drive innovators to solve some of the greatest challenges facing the world today. The X PRIZE is viewed as the leading model to leverage the elements of public interest, entrepreneurial spirit and cross-disciplinary innovation to bring about breakthroughs that benefit us all.
Trans Lunar Research
Trans Lunar Research (TLR) is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation founded in 1996. TLR's primary goal is to set up the first manned Lunar Station on the surface of the Moon. The "cheap" hardware required to achieve this goal is under development in-house at Trans Lunar Research and at various locations around the world. Providing cash grants to selected organizations, TLR functions as a private space agency supporting space technology development. Trans Lunar Research believes that in order to make space attractive to the masses, it is imperative that humans not only colonize, but also industrialize space. For this reason we are promoting the development of deep space survival hardware such as more efficient rocket propulsion systems, lightweight radiation protection, Lunar and planetary oxygen extraction equipment, Moon and space-based energy production stations, and other technologies that will allow people to live self-sufficiently in space. These technologies will provide the preliminary infrastructure required to make space a commercially viable and profitable industrial zone. Once space becomes a profitable place to do business, it will attract the masses.

The history of SYNERGY MOON is the coming together of two organizations, Human Synergy Project and Interplanetary Ventures. These two organizations entered the Google Lunar X PRIZE competition and shortly after partnered with Interorbital Systems and RPC Telecommunications, thus creating Team SYNERGY MOON.
Take time to visit and learn more about the oragizaiotns that have created Team SYNERGY MOON:
Interplantary Ventures
Interorbital Systems
Human Synergy Project
RPC Telecommunications
