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Team Synergy Moon Diversity In Space Pavilion
San Francisco Juneteenth Festival
Celebrating Juneteenth
(Based on an article by by Lucia Simova and Su Wei Heng in the "NASA Ames Astrogram - July 2016", published August 5, 2016)
Left: Jaylyn McCook Spacesuited at the African Village with two "AstroGroupies" ;-)
Right: Lt. Cmdr. Leedjia Svec and interns Su Wei Heng, Jaylyn McCook and Lucia Simova stand in front of their Junteenth booth at the Synergy Moon Diversity in Space Pavilion.
On June 19, 1865, two-and-a-half years after the Emancipation Proclamation, Union soldiers led by Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, with the news that the Civil War had come to an end and that all slaves were now free. This historic date is now commemorated by cities across the nation in a festival known as Juneteenth. San Francisco held its 66th annual Juneteenth Festival on Saturday, June 18, 2016, in an event filled with food, live music stages and tents containing different organizations dedicated to outreach and education regarding their respective causes/missions.
One row of tents, for example, was devoted to African culture, including food and dress. NASA's booth was nestled in the Synergy Moon Diversity in Space Pavilion and was represented by summer interns and their supervisor. On display was a presentation made by intern Jessica Feinberg, handouts from the Office of Education and Public Outreach and plenty of NASA stickers. The volunteers took turns wearing a spacesuit, which effectively drew in the masses to the pavilion. Adult- and child-sized spacesuit cut outs helped attract passers-by who were interested in photographs. The Pavilion also included a
SpaceVR demo hosted by Blaze Sanders, Lunar Lander Simulations and video kiosks about African American Astronauts hosted by Synergy Moon's Kevin Myrick, and a presentation area sponsored by the National Society of Black Engineers:Space Special Interest Group and hosted by aerospace engineer Ernest Levert.
Upwards of a thousand people stopped by for a NASA sticker, and the majority of those exchanges led to conversations in which the volunteers answered questions about NASA Ames' current mission and increased awareness about NASA research programs. More importantly, the interns and Lt. Cmdr. Svec spent the day encouraging parents to cultivate their children's interest in STEM fields, and successfully increased the visibility and representation of African-American people in STEM, historically and presently.
Hundreds of attendees came to the NASA tent unaware that there were any African-American astronauts and left with new found knowledge. Ultimately, the team believes that some of the younger audiences, particularly the Mars generation, walked away inspired and with dreams of donning their own spacesuits one day.
Team Synergy Moon Enters the Budapest-Bamako Rally
January 2016
The once legendary Dakar Rally has left one spiritual heir in Africa. The Budapest-Bamako Rally (B2) keeps the flame of trans-Saharan driving adventures alive. This year Synergy Moon is participating as part of Team MyLife4Kids, a multi vehicle team of Balkan adventurers. The Budapest-Bamako Rally is a low-budget version of the original Dakar Rally and goes from Budapest, Hungary to Bamako, Mali. It passes through Hungary, Austria (or Slovenia), Italy, France, Spain, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania and Mali. It promises a sense of adventure and the romance of Africa, much like the Paris-Dakar did in its early days. The B2 also raises money and supplies for local communities and charities.
Our mission is to support children in underdeveloped and impoverished areas of Africa, by helping them reach their true potential. This is achieved through donating aid in the form of technology and school supplies to numerous remote Villages in the Western Sahara. We have chosen The MylifE Foundation, a South African rural based youth foundation, as the recipient of the funds we raise through our team sponsors and private parties. This money will assist the foundation to provide rural children with the tools they require to support and enhance their lives and communities.
We are challenged by many difficulties inherent to our world cultures, not all people are given the same privileges. But by universal standards, we all have the same rights. Free will is ours and should be exercised freely. Everyone deserves the right, be they from impoverished communities or flourishing urban areas, to enhance their knowledge of the world around them, and we aim to provide the skills and tools to make that happen for the impoverished communities we pass along the road to Bamako.
The Budapest-Bamako is about community. It's about meeting new people. It's about sharing meals, drinks and stories at the end of each day. It's about visiting local villages in Africa bringing gifts and learning about each other. It is about destroying stereotypes. It is also about having a good time. The experience and the spirit of adventure have not changed since the days of the original Dakar Rally. Bump along the teeth rattling roads of Morocco. Tackle the golden dunes and beaches of Mauritania. Dash through the red clay roads of Mali under ancient baobab trees. Year after year, the Budapest-Bamako is a demanding and epic adventure.
The B2 is not an easy Sunday drive or picnic in the park. There are no rescue helicopters, tow trucks, translators, lawyers or tour guides. You must rely on your own luck, resources and skills. One thing is certain on the Budapest-Bamako: uncertainty. You never know what's going to happen next. That's adventure. The B2 is a huge community event across two continents over two weeks, and Synergy Moon is leading a return trip rally from Mali to Croatia, making this a month long road trip of truly epic proportions!
We will of course be spreading the word of the Google Lunar XPRIZE Race to the Moon at every stop along the way!
See You Soon, On The Moon!
Team Synergy Moon Welcomes New Sponsor
T & L Publications
January 2015
Google Lunar XPRIZE Team Synergy Moon announces T & L Publications as our DIY/STEAM Outreach Sponsor. T & L Publications is an American consumer-magazine publisher serving Hobbyist Electronics, Robotics, and Science & Technology enthusiasts. Their focus and readership is a perfect match for Synergy Moon’s Do-It-Yourself methodologies focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) through the lens of civilian space exploration. T & L Publications produces and operates Nuts & Volts and SERVO magazines. Watch both magazines for exclusive articles and announcements about opportunities for you to get involved in our space program!
Nuts & Volts is written for the hands-on hobbyist, design engineer, technician, and experimenter. The diversity of subjects appeals to all levels of experience and spans such topics as amateur robotics, circuit design, lasers, computer control, home automation, data acquisition, new technology, DIY projects, electronic theory, analog, microcontrollers and now civilian space exploration! For more information go to
SERVO Magazine is dedicated to the "Next Generation of Robotics Experimenters", devoted 100% to robots and robotics. With an all robots - all the time focus, each monthly issue will inspire, educate, and entertain with feature articles, interviews, tutorials, DIY projects, hacks, parts sources and much more. Advances in robotics are dynamic and as important as those of computers in the 80s and 90s. Whether you are building your first line-follower, planetary rover or finishing off the perception layer in a positronic brain, SERVO Magazine delivers the sharp technical tools you need to stay on the cutting edge. For more information go to
Buzz Aldrin Innovation Institute
February 2014
The Buzz Aldrin Innovation Institute (BAii) is a Space Port Academy of the Astronaut Teacher Alliance . We are humbled that Dr. Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin, a great innovator, is allowing us to name our incubator project in his honor.

We ask not simply what kind of planet are we leaving to our children. Ask yourself what kind of children are we leaving to our planet? At BAii we answer with positive role models that build character into our future leaders and work force. At BAii the sky is no longer the limit. What does that mean for students in middle school? New technologies are opening multiple pathways to future careers that we have not even defined yet.
What can you do?
BAii is for the people...
...soon to be designated a 501c3
...a space to turn "Minds On" to the possible
...interested in taking "Hands Off" all canned lessons incubator for teachers to make dream projects come true
...where high school students satisfy community service requirements
...actively seeking highly skilled mentors in all areas, especially retired elders
...welcoming collaborators in industry interested in meaningful corporate responsibility
The major academic areas under development, in the spirit of Knowledge Capture, for a meaningful connection to the common core, are listed below with many more interesting projects just on the horizon.
Google Lunar X Prize Team Synergy Moon - Students are building hardware to send a rover to the Moon. Pleiades - Rover partners in Bosnia. Satellite Telemetry with students at Arecibo PR, SpaceSuits.
Backyard Barcoding - Only 1% of Earth's microbes are known. Students prepare DNA samples from mud, sequenced genome is barcoded and added to genomic library. If a new species is identified, students name it. Created after Salk Institute and J Craig Venter Institute trainings.
Lunar Greenhouse: Hydroponic bioregeneration to sustain a lunar settlement as industrialization of space approaches launch. Applications on Earth: first response with food for disaster relief.
Arts and Culture
Chicano Park Master Muralist Salvador Torres, NASA Art Contests, put your name on a space ship!
Astronaut Teacher Alliance (ATA) - A global network of core middle school educators has grown to 19 countries. ATA enables one teacher ATA time through expeditionary learning in a vertical model that turns "Minds On". We reach down to elementary, spiral up through tertiary academia, and fan out to a wide spectrum of skilled individuals to develop relevant Knowledge Capture.
Space Port Academy (SPA) - Participatory acquisition of competencies through public and private sector engagement, promotes a cognitive response of achievement as students make meaningful contributions to social and scientific enterprise. Empowered by their contributions to the community, in a concern for the common good, students develop character and moral fiber.
ATA members engage students in a SPA environment to ignite their personal passions.
Each ATA is identified by the home town of their SPA.
*BAii is a SPA of ATA Chula Vista, California, USA
ARTEMIS Open Space Program
December 2013
This month marks the launch of the ARTEMIS Open Space Programme, which aims to revolutionize the way we access space through developing a citizen science initiative that is open to everyone.
ARTEMIS Space, a new startup company, is behind the programme, and seeks to create opportunities for young people and adults to participate in a number of space missions, using space science as a platform for acquiring new knowledge and skills, and increase public understanding in the role that space plays in our everyday lives. Supported by a number of international partners, organisations and space agencies, the ARTEMIS Open Space Programme will bring educational workshops to community groups across the world, and will facilitate challenges and competitions to motivate public participation in finding solutions to today's pressing social challenges.
Peace Flame House, Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzegovina, European HQ for Synergy Moon and one of the first Artemis seminar sites.
The projects within the ARTEMIS Open Space Programme have been developed in cooperation with team Synergy Moon and other organizations to reach out to support young people and adults with a focus on supporting STEAM education and skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), with a special emphasis on reaching communities in deprived regions for wider economic and social impact. Using the "Citizen Science" approach, the public will have the opportunity to act as scientists and participate as crew members for forthcoming missions to explore space by working alongside scientists and engineers, participate in scientific research, and contribute to new discoveries. The ARTEMIS Open Space Programme will also play an integral role in contributing to the management of natural disasters and sustainable development to lift the world’s most vulnerable out of poverty.
Sotira Trifourki, ARTEMIS Space CEO comments "The benefits of space include monitoring our environment, research into improving our health and transport systems, and developing technology which can fuel innovation and create jobs to boost our economy. The possibilities are endless."
The ARTEMIS Open Space Programme is an initiative which has its roots within the private space sector. ARTEMIS Space was co-founded by Team Synergy Moon, one of the 18 teams competing in the Google Lunar X PRIZE, where teams are competing in an international contest to safely land a rover on the surface of the Moon and create a new "Apollo" moment to spur continuous space exploration.
See You Soon, On The Moon!
TSM Sends Paper Plane To The Moon!

The simplest ideas are often the best. A man named Occam once said that, and its truth is obvious to this day. Take a simple idea like a paper airplane. It's basic and unassuming, almost ingenious in its simplicity. Now take that same paper airplane, animate it, digitize it, and send it to visionaries around the globe in real time. The endeavor takes on a whole new meaning, a meaning that is manifest in the PaperPlaneProject.
Each visionary will represent his or her specific region and trade. The symbolic flight of PaperPlaneProject encompasses multiple countries, effectively spanning the entire globe and jumping off into space! Human interconnectivity, especially in the wake of 21st century globalization, is in the spotlight. The project will illuminate exactly how easy it is to send a digital paper airplane around the world in one night.
Even in today's world many engineering ideas start on paper, and are modeled with paper or paper products. Team Synergy Moon will be one destination for PaperlaneProject. We will receive, transfer to a TSM Teleport (dish uplink station), transmit to the moon, then receive the signal via moon bounce at a different teleport station on earth, where we will send it via internet to the Portland PaperPlaneProject Mission Control for routing to its next destination.
The Paper Plane Project's primary function is to reflect the incredible level of connectedness we have achieved in the twenty first century. By appropriating video technique to mediums of traditional art making, this project combines the philosophy, technology and aesthetic of modern communication into a unique, time-based experience.
Starting in Portland, OR, USA, an animated drawing of a paper plane will fly, virtually and metaphorically. At each destination there will be an animated character in charge of catching and releasing the plane. Both the plane and the characters are rendered in hand-drawn animation as an exhibit of the importance of preserving certain art making skills acquired prior to the digital revolution. On the other end of the spectrum, "PaperPlaneProject" highlights newly available and empowering technologies that would otherwise leave the project limited, or even impossible.
PaperPlaneProject KickStarter Page
Synergy Moon Partners With The Pleiades Astronomical Society of Tuzla
Team Synergy Moon is pleased to announce our partnership with The Pleiades Astronomical Society from Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Tuzla is the hometown of one of our team co-founders, Nebojsa Stanojevic, and several other team members. The Pleiades Astronomical Society was founded in April 2009, to research and promote the study of Astronomy, Astro-Archeology, Astronautics and the mysteries of UFO's. The Society currently has 150 members, most working on educational outreach to students in 50 schools in the region. They have published a biannual magazine, "Pleiades", held seven 'Astronomy Day' events in Tuzla, and later this year they will publish a book on Astronomy for kids. Emir Tanovic and Ervin Adrovic, co-chairmen of the Society are currently working on opening the first modern observatory in the region.
The Society and Synergy Moon will begin offering Astronautics workshops this spring, educating kids and adults about NewSpace, the Google Lunar X PRIZE, and what it takes to Get Into Space!
Synergy Moon Signs MOU To Work With EarthSpace

On 21st December 2011, Synergy Moon and EarthSpace signed a memorandum of understanding to work together, amid others, to create outreach programs based on scientific but people-oriented education (SPOE): the creation of projects that combine arts and humanities with science and technology. Additionally, both companies will work to raise awareness of the Google Lunar X-Prize competition among African Nations.
Represented by their President Heather Henry and CEO Ayodele Faiyetole, EarthSpace is very excited about this ground breaking bilateral agreement and partnership, which signals the beginning of a true non-governmental and private approach to global space program in Africa.
As the chief executive of EarthSpace, Ayodele oversees to the overall development of its programs. He is passionate about giving back to the society and emancipation of humanity as multiplanetary beings. He has contributed to the globalization of space and Earth science, and is the winner of the 2009 Todd B. Hawley Space Visionary Award.
Before joining EarthSpace Heather obtained two science degrees, one in chemistry/physics and the other in space studies. She has done a variety of outreach and educational work around the world and has visited classrooms in the USA, South Africa, and Canada. From 2009 - 2010, Heather served as a Young Graduate Trainee at the European Space Agency's Astronaut Centre where she assisted with astronaut training.
We are very excited about partnering with EarthSpace for educational outreach in Africa and around the world!
EarthSpace Website
Synergy Moon and Universidad de Antofagasta sign Memorandum of Understanding
ZAGREB, Croatia (July 13, 2011) - SYNERGY MOON Team Leader Miroslav Ambruš-Kiš (MAK) of Zagreb, Croatia today announced a new Memorandum of Understanding between the Universidad de Antofagasta and Team SYNERGY MOON, a competitor for the Google Lunar X PRIZE. The Universidad de Antofagasta and Team SYNERGY MOON are jointly interested in technology transfer of lunar exploration technology to Chilean industry. The MOU, signed by Team SYNERGY MOON co-founder Kevin Myrick and Universidad de Antofagasta Rector Dr. Luis Alberto Loyola Morales links a Moon Mars Atacama Research Station (MMARS - UA) with a new industrial park in the Second Region of Chile to stimulate mutually beneficial high fidelity research and development, with a focus on building deployable prototypes for MMARS, transferring technological innovations in robotics to the Chilean mining industry, and accomplishing the Team SYNERGY MOON Google Lunar X PRIZE mission to soft-land a planetary rover on the Moon.
"It is of great significance that we are here at this faire ..." said Rector Loyola at the inauguration of EXPONOR 2011, the International Exhibition of the Latin American Mining Industry, a trade fair that is held every two years in the Region of Antofagasta, the heart of the copper mining industry in Chile and where 54% of the country's copper is produced. Emphasizing the tremendous potential of the MMARS project for innovation, he adds that, "...the momentum of the international scientific community will strengthen our university."
"The multidisciplinary scope of R&D and entrepreneurial activities at MMARS will have enormous implications for dual purpose technology and the formation of private sector New Space businesses" said Myrick between meetings at the Lunar Science Institute at NASA Ames. "The agreement with the Universidad de Antofagasta will contribute vertically, to advance Chile’s National Science and Technology Goals for Innovation, and laterally providing “Minds On” educational outreach to students around the world, with a focus on middle school students, our next space generation."
Maria Catalina, founder of the Astronaut Teacher Alliance and co-founder Dr. Carmen Gloria Jimenez of the Universidad de Antofagasta branded MMARS in 2007 to begin development for students and teachers of first-hand access to high fidelity projects that run full simulations in analogue environments and develop protocols for Lunar or Martian settlement. "Chileans won't just be testing new technologies" explained Jimenez. "We will raise our human capital by direct contribution to real science during real time acquisition of competence through the investigations of graduate students, professors, entrepreneurs, and skilled professionals." "ATA members worldwide will access selected knowledge capture during internships or apprenticeships to develop 'Minds On' expeditionary learning experiences so their middle school students can contribute meaningful data to the scientific enterprise and satisfy the age specific content requirements of secondary school subject matter across all curricula."
The $30 million Google Lunar X PRIZE is an unprecedented international competition that challenges and inspires engineers and entrepreneurs from around the world to develop low-cost methods of robotic space exploration. To win the Grand Prize, a privately funded team must successfully place a robot on the Moons surface that, explores at least 500 meters, and transmits high definition video and images back to the Earth. The first team to do so will claim a $20 million Grand Prize, while the second team will earn a $5 million Prize. Teams are also eligible to win a $1 million award for stimulating diversity in the field of space exploration and as much as $4 million in bonus prizes for accomplishing additional technical tasks such as moving 10 times as far, surviving the frigid lunar night, or visiting the site of a previous lunar mission. To date, 28 teams headquartered in 17 different nations around the world have registered to compete for the prize. The Google Lunar X PRIZE is available to be claimed until the end of the year 2015. For more information about the Google Lunar X PRIZE, please visit
SYNERGY MOON is an eccentric, electrifying merge of the arts and sciences. We represent a collaboration of individuals from over 15 countries and our numbers are growing. We have an official team in the Google Lunar X PRIZE, and pioneers in human space travel and interplanetary exploration. Our technological innovations make manned orbital travel, personal satellite launches, and Solar System colonization cost-effective, and above all, possible for everyone. Through aerospace research and development, rocket launch services, and a wide range of public events and awareness campaigns, we aim to inspire and invigorate humanity's desire to explore the Moon, Mars, and space beyond.
Astronaut Teacher Alliance (ATA) is an international cooperative of visionaries who take to task the raising of Earth's first Space Generation. As far back as human memory can take us we have wondered at the cosmos, and then two score and two years ago an Eagle took us there. During the Apollo Era, building a lunar settlement swept over the global conscience with a single leap and graduation rates doubled. Now, the inevitability of privatized space travel makes the settling of our Moon and a human mission to Mars a reality. ATA members embrace the potential of middle school students and are working to create a global generation of thinkers (voters in 5 years). "One Teacher ATA Time" uses Knowledge Capture to provide Principal Investigators of high fidelity research with a "Minds On" framework for outreach activities directed at a global cohort of middle school teachers with connections to primary, secondary and tertiary education across curricula both horizontally and vertically. Involving citizen scientists in project based curricula, particularly when framed in a space theme, captures the attention of students. It is time to raise the Space Generation, our future workforce, in an educational system that takes on new meaning when we demystify learning by involvement in projects that are out of this world. For more information about the Astronaut Teacher Alliance, please visit .
The Moon Mars Atacama Research Station (MMARS) is a multinational collaboration of visionaries who see the settling of our Moon and a human mission to Mars as a reality in our lifetime. MMARS is a multifaceted project in Chile with an analogue Lunar/Martian Settlement as a centerpiece that will serve as a test-bed for innovators and entrepreneurs to produce prototypes that will be deployable to the Moon. A Chilean National Goal is to increase human capital by the transfer of technology, science, and education through international bilateral agreements. Funded in part by the Agencia Chilena del Espacio (Chilean Space Agency) and the Universidad de Antofagasta, a high fidelity intellectual support structure for MMARS includes the development of Chile’s first formal institute of astrobiology in the Atacama Desert at Yungay, and a center for the development of space technologies and the resulting spinoff terrestrial applications. Thematic tourism will serve as a funding instrument to support infrastructure and full scale Lunar and Martian simulations. For more information please visit

Interorbital technicians have installed stabilization fins on the CPM TV-1, bringing it to flight-ready status. Three launches of the rocket are scheduled, under an FAA Class 3 Rocket Waiver. The first test launch will be fin-stabilized. The remaining launches will be guided. These low-altitude test launches of the 30-ft long (9.1m) CPM TV-1 will verify the performance of the vehicle's rocket engines, guidance system, steering system, avionics, and recovery system in flight. The CPM TV-1 will carry academic payloads from the Naval Postgraduate School and Morehead State University (Kentucky). Upon the successful completion of a series of static rocket engine tests, the IOS team will launch the rocket.
Successful test flights will lead to the rapid production of 7 CPMs for the launch of the first Neptune 45 with a payload of MicroSats. The current manifest for Interorbital's inaugural launch (second quarter of 2011) includes: CubeSats from UC Irvine and Universidad de Puerto Rico teaming with Marcelino Canino Canino Middle School; TubeSats from Morehead State University (Kentucky Space); InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico; University of Sydney (Australia); Aslan Academy (Private Los Angeles High School); Project Calliope (Space Music Project); Naval Postgraduate School (3) (communication with live remote exercises); Defense Science and Technology Lab (DSTL,UK); Austrian Arts Group; United States Military Academy at West Point (2); and the Brazilian Space Agency with 120 Fifth Grade Students Ubatuba Elementary School.
Four GLXP teams will also have payloads on this first flight, TubeSats from Part-Time Scientists/Fluid & Reason, Stellar, Synergy Moon and a 2U Cubesat, Romit-1 from EuroLuna.
(Photo by MAK - Left to right: Marino Tumpic, Gabrijel Erman, Zeljko Mogoros, Zorislav Sojat, Petar Gljuscic and Miroslav Ambrus-Kis. "Veli Joze" rover is in front.)
The village Vidulini is in the middle of the Istria peninsula, the very obvious piece of land on the east coast of northernmost Adriatic. The nearest town there is Kanfanar. This is the magic part of Croatia which many of visitors have nicknamed "The Unknown Tuscany of Croatia".
Vidulini has only 15 houses, population, 50. And still they have astronomic club Astronomska Udruga Vidulini (AUV). They have a networked telescopes, they send instruments on stratospheric balloons, they have made a mockup lunar lander, and they have a working robotic rover. All these things for their own fun and the education of their kids.
AUV has ambitious plans to build and launch a pico-satellite, and a lunar lander with lunar rover capable of autonomous exploration of unknown surroundings for two weeks. The have launched their first satellites with stratospheric balloons, built a mockup of a lunar lander, and their rover "Veli Joze" has passed the first test of autonomous exploration in the wilds between Rovinj and Rovinjsko Selo - 12 kilometers! The rover, "Veli Joze" ("Big Joe") is named after an Istrian medieval fairytale hero.
Team SYNERGY MOON is delighted to embrace AU Vidulini as part of Team Synergy Moon and will provide everything necessary to build, test and land a production version of "Veli Joze" to the lunar surface. Synergy Moon will also handle the launch of their Croatian Satellite.
Put Your Art on the Moon with the Team SYNERGY MOON ART Capsule
That's right, we are bringing artistic expressions from the whole human family to the moon, and no one needs to be excluded. As a part of our mission to the moon our Tesla Rover will deploy the Art Capsule which will showcase and include art collected from around the world in a series of creative ways still to be announced.
Visit this page again for updates on the Art Capsule technologies we will utilize to bring the contributed art to the lunar surface. Visit the social networking websites we've setup for you below and submit your creations for the Art Capsule.
Visit the Team SYNERGY MOON
Art Capsule YouTube Channel
All you need to do to submit your video art for inclusion in the Team SYNERGY MOON Art Capsule is to respond to our explanatory Call For Entries Video with a video responce showcasing your contribution.